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Improving a worst-case scenario (WCS)

Residential and commercial building codes require specific performance characteristics of glass/windows which are located in certain areas of a building. So I recently had an architect ask me how window film can IMPROVE on glass which meets these various codes (and is deemed safe by code authorities for it's location). My summary had to do with a worst-case scenario (WCS). I guess that's because so much of building code justification is also based on a WCS! So you're in the shower and as you reach for the soap you suddenly

slip and punch your arm and shoulder through the glass door of the shower enclosure, as you attempt to maintain your balance. Hey - this could happen! Because the door glass is required to be tempered, it will break into a million tiny pieces. This feature is designed to eliminate the large jagged shards which annealed glass (which your home/businesses windows are) breaks into when broken. So, now there you are - probably on the floor,, covered in a million tiny little cutting tools. Are you going to escape unharmed? In comparison to annealed glass, the answer is yes, better than that, BUT - you will be bleeding from multiple surface wounds, and you will continue to be cut as you bring yourself to an upright, out of the shower enclosure, position. HAD YOU HAD 3M Safety Film installed on that door, a WCS would have been a broken door glass, no personal injury, and on to work you go. You can imagine how many other similar WCS could be out there - but the point is 3M Safety can/will improve on personal safety, even on glazing which meets safety codes! See you at the Southern Oregon Home Show this weekend - Space #112! Bryan

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