Window Tinting Medford Oregon

Certified Dealer #101250

About: Pristine Window Films is Southern Oregon’s only Authorized 3M Window Film Dealer. Our service area encompasses Jackson and Josephine Counties, including Medford, Grants Pass, Ashland, Phoenix, Talent, Central Point, Eagle Point, Shady Cove, Gold Hill, Rogue River, the Applegate communities, and the upper Rogue area.
In the eighties we tried the various competitive brands and were disappointed by the quality and durability they offered. Then we were asked to try 3M and have been the exclusive 3M dealer since 1991.
We feel strongly that the purchase of window film is an investment. That investment is only as good as the company which stands behind it. 3M is a “Fortune 50” Corporation with over $30 billion in annual global sales. Their R&D is tops – they actually invented window in the 60’s and hold the first patent from 1966. Our competitors have filed for bankruptcy, are bought and sold like hot potatoes, have had analysts declare that ‘future operations are in doubt’, and so on.
Pristine Window Films, and our ‘parent’ company Valley Vinyl, have been in continuous operation in the Rogue Valley since 1980. Our client list is a veritable ‘Who’s Who’ of Southern Oregon businesses, and we are Southern Oregon’s only approved Oregon Preservation Contractor from the Oregon Historic Preservation Office.
(Learn more about the OSHP at: http://www.oregon.gov/OPRD/HCD/SHPO/pages/index.aspx)
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3M's complete line of Residential Window Film Solutions.
3M's complete line of Commercial Window Film Solutions
3M Window Film Cost Analyzer
For a climate similar to that of the Southern Oregon area, use Sacramento, CA as your location.
3M Residential Film Window Simulator
See what your room would look like with different window films.
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